Past event
The electrical interconnection Cyprus - Greece: The geopolitical aspects

Type of Activity: Closed Meeting
Location: Hotel Alexander the Great, Paphos, Cyprus
Date and Time: Saturday, December 14, 11:00 a.m.
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Past event
Modern Wars and New Threats in the Age of Multicrises

Type of Activity: Conference
Location: Cultural Center "Attikon", Paphos, Cyprus
Date and Time: Friday, December 13, 5:30 p.m.
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Past event
"Electrical Interconnection Cyprus - Greece: The techno-economic aspects"
Past event
Can Cyprus become an international arbitration center?

Type of Activity: Book Presentation
Location: "To 'Erma" Bookstore - Reading Cafe, Hectoros 43, Nicosia (near Famagusta Gate)
Time: 6 p.m.
More information
Past event
Can Cyprus become an international arbitration center?
Past event
Small states and security challenges in the European Union: The case of Cyprus 20 years after accession
Past event
Democracy in crisis

Type of activity: Two-Day Scientific Conference
Place: University of Cyprus, B108
Time: 16:30
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Past event
The war in Gaza: the next day and the geopolitical challenges for Cyprus

Type of activity: Roundtable Discussion (Greek)
Place: Conference room M104, University of Nicosia
Time: 16:30 - 18:30
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Past event
Turkish Cypriots and us : A Greek Cypriot perspective

Picture taken from the book Ktoris, S. (2013). Turkish-Cypriots: From Sidelining to Cooperation, 1923- 1960. Athens: Papazisis.
Type of activity: Scientific ConferencePlace: University of Cyprus
Time: 9:00
More information
Past event
Is AI a real danger to democracy?
Past event
The need for checks and balances in a modern democracy: Lessons from abroad and the case of Cyprus
Past event
The day after the UN Climate Conference (COP27): A first assessment

Type of activity: Open discussion
Place: University of Cyprus Library, Room 012
Time: 18:00
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