The success of the Institute of Studies for Politics and Democracy is based primarily on the quality of the work produced by the Institute’s Associates

The Institute fully respects the principle of academic freedom and the independence of its Associates, and does not impose any kind of restriction on the views of opinions and ideas.

At the same time, it must be noted that the content of the articles published by the Institute or that of any other research work produced by the Institute's Associates does not necessarily reflect the Institute's views and positions.

The Institute's Associates are primarily:

1) Academics
2) Former senior government and public administration officials or senior officials as well as senior officials from the National Guard and the broader security service sector.
3) Technocrats or experts with significant professional experience in the private sector.

The Institute’s associates are distinguished between:

A) Senior Research Fellows/Analysts
Senior Researchers are academics who hold at least the rank of Assistant Professor or researchers with notable relevant experience.
Senior Analysts are individuals who served at senior positions in the wider government sector (e.g. Ministers, MPs, Ambassadors, Ministry Directors, Senior officers of the security forces) as well as expert technocrats with notable professional experience in the private sector.

B) Research Fellows
Researchers are classified as PhD holders working as academics and/or researchers with significant professional experience.

C) Research Associates
Research Associates are classified as PhD candidates or people who have professional experience as researchers.

D) Interns Interns refer to university degree holders or university students. The internship is for a short duration.