The Conference explores the historical, ideological and political factors that have led the Greek Cypriot community to generally underestimate the role and importance of the Turkish Cypriots in the evolution of the Cyprus issue.
Avoiding stereotypical approaches or wishful thinking with regard to Turkey’s role, the Conference analyses Ankara’s strategy to control and impose its will on the Turkish Cypriot community which has evolved into an existential threat of assimilation. The conference further examines the impact of bi-community initiatives and the role of civil society in building trust between the two communities.
Finally, it reflects on the traditional policy of the Greek Cypriot side towards the Turkish Cypriots, aiming at exploring possibilities of constraining the Turkish strategy and seeking common interests between the two communities, especially within the EU context, which could form dynamic conditions towards the solution of the Cyprus problem.
*The conference will take place in greek, please see the programme, speakers and press release in greek.