The Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices), developed by the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), depict democratic trends at the country, regional and global levels across a broad range of different attributes of democracy for 163 countries since 1975.

Most data upon which the GSoD Indices are based have been provided by the Varieties of Democracy project, while the rest are collected by 13 other sources, such as the Polity project and the Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy.

In total, the GSoD Indices are comprised of 116 individual indicators which are combined to produce scores from 0 to 1 for each country based on five main democracy attributes that cover 16 subattributes in total; 0 represents the lowest achievement in the whole sample and 1 the highest.

Explore the map below to view the latest GSoD Indices scores for each country for each of democracy’s main attributes:

(1) Representative Government,
(2) Fundamental Rights,
(3) Checks on Government,
(4) Impartial Administration,
(5) Participatory Engagement.*

To view and interact with more GSoD Indices data, visit our 'Analysis' page.

* Note that the Participatory Engagement attribute is not aggregated to the highest level and, therefore, we have visualized its subattributes : Civil Society Participation, Electoral Participation, Direct Democracy and Local Democracy.