Senior Research Fellow


Paris Fokaides is an Assistant Professor at Frederick University, in the School of Engineering, in the field of thermofluids, as well as in the field of process engineering. He teaches undergraduate and postgraduate level courses in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and the Architecture. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Aristotle University Thessaloniki (2002) and he is a PhD holder of Karlsruhe University, Germany (2009) in the field of sustainable energy technologies (combustion). He is also the academic supervisor of Sustainable Energy Research Group ( Dr Fokaides has co-authored over 70 scientific papers and 15 book chapters with an h-index of 24 at Scopus. He is a founding member of the European Biomass Research Network and a member of the sustainable biofuels Working Group of the EU SET Plan. He is active in research since 2002, having secured grants over 2 million Euro since 2012 at Frederick University.