In an era of increasingly discrediting politics, as expressed through phenomena such as electoral abstention, anti-systemicism and the rise of political extremes, rationality and scientific documentation in the public realm, as well as in the practical application of politics, are perhaps more important than never. In this context, the existence of research institutes / think tanks that are affiliated with political parties constitute an important factor that can contribute to the restoration of citizens' trust in politics and the deepening of democracy.
By promoting sound discourse and scientific knowledge, institutes and think tanks act as a bulwark against populism and demagoguery, while also helping debunk myths and fake news. This Policy Brief presents the regime governing the financing of politically affiliated institutes, as noted in the cases of Greece, Germany, and the European Union, underlining the importance of direct public funding through the annual state budget.
This Policy Note was prepared by the staff of the Institute of Studies for Politics and Democracy.