The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) of the World Bank, estimate the quality of governance annually in over 200 countries/territories since 2002, and once every two years between 1996 - 2002, based upon the following dimensions of governance:
(1) Voice and Accountability,
(2) Political Stability and Absence of Violence,
(3) Government Effectiveness,
(4) Regulatory Quality,
(5) Rule of Law,
(6) Control of Corruption The WGI are based on approximately 30 different data sources, such as surveys of households and firms, NGOs, commercial business information providers, and public sector organizations. Each country/territory is given a score from -2.5 to 2.5; the higher the score, the higher the country/territory’s performance. Explore the map below to view the latest WGI estimates for each country/territory. To view and interact with more WGI data, visit our 'Analysis' page.
(2) Political Stability and Absence of Violence,
(3) Government Effectiveness,
(4) Regulatory Quality,
(5) Rule of Law,
(6) Control of Corruption The WGI are based on approximately 30 different data sources, such as surveys of households and firms, NGOs, commercial business information providers, and public sector organizations. Each country/territory is given a score from -2.5 to 2.5; the higher the score, the higher the country/territory’s performance. Explore the map below to view the latest WGI estimates for each country/territory. To view and interact with more WGI data, visit our 'Analysis' page.