Special Advisor


Panagiotis Sentonas is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Cyprus, where he studied with a full scholarship from the Cyprus State Scholarship Foundation as the first to be admitted to his department. He holds a Master's Degree (MA) in Social and Political Sciences as well as a Master's Degree (MBA) in Business Administration. He worked for a number of years at the University of Cyprus in the areas of management and human resource development. He was Deputy Government Representative, Citizen's Commissioner, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Youth Organisation, and Vice Chairman of the Cyprus Addictions Authority. He was Legal Representative in Cyprus and Head of the Erasmus + Youth programme, the European Solidarity Corps, as well as other important European ograms. He has represented the Republic of Cyprus at conferences of the European Union, the United Nations, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and other European or international institutions.