Senior Analyst


Gabriel Haritos is a Senior Analyst at the Institute of Studies for Politics and Democracy, as well as a Research Fellow at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute (Israel) and at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy - ELIAMEP (Greece). He teaches History of Greek-Israeli-Cypriot Political Relations as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and as a Visiting Professor at Panteion University (Department of International, European and Area Studies) and at the University of Nicosia (Department of Law). He graduated from the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and obtained his Master's degree in "Economic, Political and International Relations in the Mediterranean" from the University of the Aegean (Department of Mediterranean Studies). He holds a PhD on International Relations from the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia and his doctoral thesis examines the Israeli foreign policy on the Cyprus Conflict in the 1950s. He published several articles in international journals and two monographs in Greek: "The Democratization of the Arab States as a Priority of the U.S. Mideast Policy; The Cases of Jordan and Tunisia", (Foundation for International Legal Studies, Prof. Elias Crispi and Dr. Anastasia Samaras-Krispi & N. Sakkulas Law Publications, Athens, 2008) and "Cyprus, the Neighboring Island – The Cyprus Problem in Israel's State Archives, 1946-1960" [Papazisis Publications, Athens 2018 and 2020 (2nd ed.)]. His research interests cover the foreign policy of the Middle Eastern countries. His areas of expertise include Israel's diplomatic History and political system, the Arab-Israeli relations and the implementation of the Abraham Accords, Israeli-Iranian relations and the regional cooperation between Israel, Greece and Cyprus. He is a contributor on Middle Eastern affairs for the Cyprus News Agency (CNA) and appears on a regular basis to media in Greece, Cyprus and Israel. He speaks Greek, Hebrew, English and French.