Senior Research Fellow
Manos Karagiannis is Reader in International Security at the Department of Defence Studies at King's College London (University of London) and Associate Professor of International Relations at the Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies at the University of Macedonia. He is also a lecturer at the Supreme Interbranch War School of the Armed Forces and at the School of National Security of the Hellenic Police. He holds a PhD from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies of King's College London on "Political Islam, Energy and the Environment" and a PhD from the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Hull on "The Geopolitics of Energy in the Caucasus". Additionally, he has received an MA in International Security from the University of Reading and a BA in European Studies from London South Bank University. In the period 2005-2006 he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. He has been a Visiting Fellow and Researcher at Oxford (2019), at the London School of Economics (2016-2017), at Princeton (2010), at Yale (2008) and Columbia (2008). He has also been a Visiting Professor in Russia (Moscow State Institute of International Relations), Italy (Luiss), Kazakhstan (KIMEP), Bulgaria (Varna University of Economics) and Cyprus (University of Cyprus). He has collaborated with the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START Center) of the University of Maryland (2005-2011) and with the Modern War Institute of the US Military Academy West Point (2016-2017) in the U.S. Since 2016, he has been appointed as a special expert on radicalisation and terrorism at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). He has authored four books in English and two in Greek. Karagiannis has also published 26 scholarly articles in American and British scholarly journals on political Islam, terrorism and regional security in the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. From 2018 to present, he has been a columnist for Kathimerini newspaper. In September of 2020, by decision of President George Horiates, the AHEPA America organization appointed him President of the International Advisory Committee on geopolitical and regional security issues. He served his military service in the period 2000-2002 as a Probationary Reserve Infantry Officer in the Hellenic Cyprus Force. From April 2022, he serves as Scientific Advisor for International and Regional Security at the Foreign Policy Planning Center of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.