Senior Research Fellow


Constantinos Hadjistassou is Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering of the University of Nicosia. Constantinos formed the Marine & Carbon Lab in 2016 which conducts research on the marine environment and energy resources both renewable and conventional. During the past years, Constantinos has developed and taught various undergraduate and graduate classes including offshore engineering, natural gas production and monetization, pipeline engineering and HSE. As one of the recognized experts on energy developments in the East Med, his insights regularly feature in the international and local media including the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Al-Jazeera and Bloomberg. Constantinos serves as reviewer in several respected peer reviewed journals. He holds a Master’s from MIT, USA, and a DPhil in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford, UK. His research interests comprise: plastics at sea (marine debris), artificial intelligence, natural gas treatment and production, flow in porous media/reservoir engineering, offshore installations, and decarbonization and climate change.