Senior Research Fellow
Dr. Constantinos Filis is the president of the Thracian Art and Tradition Foundation, Director of the Institute of International Affairs in Greece, Professor of the American College of Greece, Director of the International Olympic Truce Center and scientific associate of the entre for Foreign Policy Planning (K.E.S.E.P.) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic. He is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University, he sits at the board of directors of the International Olympic Academy, as well as at the Committee of Philatelic Spirit, Ethics and Ethics. He has also served as Executive Director of the Institute of International Relations of Panteion University and Director of Research Programs at the same institution.
Dr. Filis was also elected as Senior Associate Member (SAM) at St. Antony's College of the University of Oxford (2007-2009) and has, at the same time, served as Member of the International Council of the Research Institute of European and American Studies. Subsequently, he became a researcher at the Center for Southeast European Studies (SEESOX) at the University of Oxford (2008 - 2010).
Moreover, he is a lecturer at the Diplomatic Academy, the Naval War School, the National Defence School and the National Security School in Greece. He has a large list of publications, with the most recent books/monographs/edited volumes being as follows:
• "The Future of History. How the war in Ukraine is changing the global landscape"
• "Assertive Patriotism. Anatomy of a Conversation That Never Happened",
• "Greece in its neighborhood"
• "A Closer Look at Russia and its Influence in the World" &
• "Refugees, Europe Insecurity".
Dr. Filisis a member of the Greek-Turkish Forum and a corresponding member of the Institute of Energy of Southeast Europe (IENE). He is also an energy and geoeconomics advisor to the Hellenic Business Association.