Dr. Constantinos Adamides is the Director of ISPD. He is also Associate Professor of International Relations and the Associate Head of the Department of Politics and Governance, at the University of Nicosia (UNIC), where he also serves as the Director of the Diplomatic Academy. Further to the academic activities, Dr. Adamides frequently works with the government sector, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the National Guard, as well as with foreign diplomatic Missions in Cyprus on issues pertinent to security and geopolitics. In 2014, President Nicos Anastasiades, appointed Dr. Adamides as a Member of the first Geostrategic Council of the Republic of Cyprus (2014-2018). Constantinos holds a PhD in Political Science and International Studies, an MA in Diplomacy and International Relations, an MBA in Finance, and a BSc in Finance (major) and Political Science (minor).
- Monograph: Securitization and Desecuritization Processes in Protracted Conflicts: The Case of Cyprus (2020)
- Article: The Challenges of Formulating National Security Strategies (NSS) in the Presence of Overarching Existential Threats (2018)
- Article: Energy securitization and desecuritization in the New Middle East (2013)