Senior Research Fellow
Aristoteles Constantinides is Associate Professor of International Law and Human Rights. He is one of the founding members of the Law Department of the University of Cyprus and served as Chairman of the Department (2017-2020). He obtained a law degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1994), where he also completed his graduate studies and received his PhD in International Law (2003). He is visiting Professor at the University Grenoble Alpes and the Institut Libre des Relations Internationales (ILER) of Paris, and was a visiting scholar at the European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and Democratisation in Venice, the University of Amsterdam and Mc Gill University, and a former visiting professor at Vytautas Magnus University of Kaunas and the University of Vienna. He is reporting on Cyprus for the Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts database and was a member the International Law Association Committees on Non-State Actors and on Recognition/Non-Recognition in International Law. He is also a member of the Cyprus National Bioethics Committee, the Scientific Committee of the Cyprus Federation of Patients' Associations, and the Cyprus Media Ethics Committee, and formerly a member of the Committee for the reform of the Law on Prisons and the Committee for Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers of the Cyprus Red Cross Society. He was also the author of the draft National Human Rights Strategy of Cyprus and he is actively engaged with governmental and non-governmental actors for the promotion of human rights in Cyprus. From 2014 to 2021, he was a member of the team of lawyers advising the Greek Cypriot negotiator and the President of the Republic of Cyprus in the negotiations for the settlement of the Cyprus problem, and in 2017 he participated in the UN conference on Cyprus in Switzerland (Geneva, Mont Pelerin, Crans Montana meetings). In 2017, he was awarded the quality teaching award of the University of Cyprus.