The Institute of Studies for Politics and Democracy, in collaboration with the University of Limassol, is organizing on Friday, March 14, at 11:00, at the Elias Beach Hotel in Limassol, a closed Politics Meeting on the topic “U.S.-Cyprus Relations, NATO, the EU, and the Cyprus Issue in the Trump Constellation.” The discussion will focus on U.S.-Cyprus relations, and how they are affected by the emerging geopolitical environment, on the role of NATO and the EU, in relation to developments regarding the Cyprus issue. Opening remarks will be delivered by Dr. Christoforos Fokaides, President of ISPD and former Minister of Defense, Prof. Konstantinos Filis, Professor at the American College of Greece and Member of the ISPD Scientific Council, Dr. Panagiotis Christias, Associate Professor of Politics and Social Philosophy, University of Cyprus, Ms. Anna Koukkidou-Prokopiou, former Minister of Justice and Public Order and International Relations Expert, Dr. Zinon Tziarras, Lecturer at the University of Cyprus, Mr. Andreas Pentaras, Retired Lieutenant General and Special Advisor of ISPD, and Dr. Konstantinos Adamidis, Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Nicosia and Director of ISPD.