General Information

On July 7, 2024, Parliamentary Elections were held in France to elect 557 Members of the National Assembly:

Party: RN/UXD: 33.21%, 10,647,914 votes
Party:: NFP: 28.21%, 9,042,485 votes
Party: CPB: 7, seats
Party:Ensemble: 21.28%, 6,820,446 votes
Party: LR: 6.57%, 2,106,166 votes

Electoral system:

France's National Assembly has 577 members who are elected for five years using a two-round system in unicameral constituencies. A candidate wins the first round with an absolute majority and more than 25% of the votes of the registered electorate. If no one meets that threshold, a runoff is held between the top two candidates and anyone else who received more than 12.5% ​​of the support of registered voters. The 12.5% ​​limit may lead to three-way repeat rounds (triangulares), particularly with high participation and fewer candidates, as expected in 2024. This scenario favored the Rallye Nationale, which is projected to gain more seats due to the increased three races . Pre-election polls predicted high turnout and a tripartite electorate in 2024, leading to many three-way and some four-way runoffs (four-way). Ultimately, 306 constituencies had three-way runoffs, and 5 had four-way runoffs, with 89 three-way and 2 four-way runoffs remaining after the dropouts. This was the first appearance of four-way runoff since 1973. .

Related articles:

"Where's Macron? French president disappears amid election crisis”, 4 July 2024, Politico